Jacob Massoud

يعقوب مسعود

/ ˈdʒeɪ.kəb ˈmas.ʕuːd /


I’m an undergraduate Chemistry and Mathematics student at Arizona State University. If anything useful ever gets done with this page, it’ll probably be after I’ve lost ownership of it.

Where You Can Find Me

You can easily find me at my ASU homepage.

Anything I do tech-wise is hosted over on my GitHub. My dotfiles are over there, as well as some old programming stuff from when I was a kid. If something new gets added there, I’m probably not updating this page.


Please don’t contact me.

If it’s about something academic: go ahead and do it through my school email, it’s on the ASU homepage linked above.

If it’s about something else: if I wanted to talk to you you’d have my contact information.